Basic Information

NAME: Khei
AGE: ??
GUARDIAN: Halone, the Fury
HEIGHT: 5'5" / 9' (Shark Form)
RACE: Miqo'te...? (Allagan Chimaera)
GENDER: Girl Adjacent (She/Her & He/Him)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single/Polyamorous/Probably Not Interested
RESIDENCE: Travels, favors the Rhotano Sea
OCCUPATION: Monster (Thief/Killer/General Nuisance)


Khei is a failed Allagan creation, best described as a chimaera. She was forced into a dormant state for being too violent and uncontrollable, and was only awoken recently because of the deterioration of Allagan facilities. She knows next to nothing about her origins, just vague memories of growing, hearing herself referred to as a failure, and being locked away. She takes the form of a Miqo'te, but admittedly hasn't done enough research to act a convincing lie, evident in her use of a surname as a mononym. She thinks it's inconsequential because she avoids people and spends as little time in her miqo'te form as possible, but it'll probably come back to bite her. Her true form is that of some sort of shark beast.

She seeks to learn why she was created, and following that, why she was deemed worthless and treated how she was. She also wants to make her creators pay, but she has nowhere to direct the retribution she wishes to deliver. Instead, being denied her revenge and internalizing her treatment, she's become very angry and impulsive. Her sense of morality is a roulette wheel, and she serves only herself. She's very selfish and mean and has little empathy, only respecting people who prove themselves to her in one way or another.

Her time is largely spent following leads on researching the Allagans, or indulging in hedonism of various forms. When not tricking people for personal gain, she largely stays away from the general public, instead favoring the company of other monsters or hunting alone.




If you're an Allagan researcher, Khei would be very interested in raiding your office meeting with you.If you travel alone in coastal regions, there's a chance Khei might try to hunt you. You could fight, you could make friends. Who knows!If you're something more or less than human (or are interested in things more or less than human) and notice Khei's peculiarities, feel free to confront her.


All art on this page is by me unless I say otherwise. More of my work is @Soulsludge on Twitter/Tumblr/Insta.I know my OC is a little out there, but I'm not interested in godmodding, don't worry.RP is all about self indulgence and having fun, if you're an elitist and you're mad at me for roleplaying something weird, save your breath. That said, if you're cool with my style but you're interested in my more down to earth OCs, that's chill! You can find them at salemsteel.carrd.co and kharjaqestir.carrd.co.Player doesn't want anything to do with racists/homophobes/transphobes/ableists. Call me an sjw but that's still a hard no from me, bud.
